Jake had one of those days today!!
Please ignore the torn tablecloth and the breakfast dishes on the table..... he's blue and I'm lazy!!
God's been dealing with me lately about laying things down. I've tried to ignore it but everywhere I turn He's right there gently reminding me.
I don't mean big sinful things that we all know are wrong..... just the little things that can take up our days and before we know it a day, or week.... or longer has gone by and we haven't spent any real quality time with Him.
We had a visiting preacher a week or so ago. The theme of his message was that to many times we ask the wrong question. We have an issue in our life and we ask "Is this a heaven or hell issue?" or in talking with others, and not wanting to offend we'll say "Well, I don't think it's a heaven or hell issue".
And truthfully, it's probably not. But, is it helping us in our walk with God? What we should be asking is "Is this pleasing to God?"
There's nothing really wrong with me spending the evening playing games on the computer.... but is it pleasing to God? I don't think it's displeasing to Him.... but there are plenty of ways I could spend my time that would be more pleasing to Him.
I'm thankful for the freedom I have in God.... but I pray that I don't abuse it. I'm thankful for His mercy and grace..... but please Lord don't let me take them for granted.
OK, I so thought that was Travis until you said it was Jake. When did he become his big brother? Seriously. By the way - exactly how did he become blue? - Aunt Missy
cute smurf!!!! Hey...glad you posted this...I agree...it's hard to balance. I'm trying to daily ask myself "does this help make Him known?" and if it doesn't I probably should be doing something else. Also...just because something is good...doesn't mean it's God's best for us. If we get too many "good" things going then I think we will miss out on the "best...the Great" things He has for us.
Crazy isn't it?? I try not to think about how fast they're growing and just enjoy the moment.
Apparently, when you color with markers you must first chew on the marker... this gets blue slobber everywhere. Then you have to through a screaming, crying hissy fit because your mom can't draw a christmas tree just right. This involves lots of eye rubbing which spreads the blueness!
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