Shew me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation ~ Psalm 25: 4-5

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Why I’m In Love With Dave Ramsey


A few months ago I started Financial Peace University.  At the time I really didn’t think I needed the class.  We were on a plan to pay off debt and had already made a dent in it.  While we never had just loads of money… we always had enough to do the things we wanted to do.  So I got a stomach ache every Friday when I paid bills… they were always paid in full and usually on time… so what’s a little stomach ache!!!

Fast forward to now… I am SO glad I took the class!! 

For the first time ever, we have an emergency fund!  No more panic when something unexpected pops up… and it always does. 

We have a budget… and it’s not near as hard as I thought it’d be!!  So all those extras… insurance, taxes, car repairs, CHRISTMAS!… are budgeted for with money set aside every month.  Now instead of scrimping and borrowing and panicking when it’s time to get the oil changed or buy a birthday present we can just go get the cash that we’ve been budgeting!   How freeing is that!?

We have an accelerated debt payoff plan.  And because everything else is budgeted for the plan is easy to stick to!  It’s so cool to see that total debt balance falling each month.

Dave also walked us through how to invest and make our money work FOR us!  We’re not there yet, but someday that will be really cool!!

My favorite part of the plan though is that the focus is not on “let’s see how much money we can get and spoil ourselves with.”  Instead it’s all about “let’s see how much money we can get to use for God’s kingdom and help others.”  The first item on the budget each month is tithes/giving and he never loses that focus.  The videos are full of testimonials from people who have followed the plan and now are in a position to really help others.  How cool would it be to be able to give someone $10,000 to go back to school, or buy a car for someone who was in a real bind!?!?

We still have a ways to go, but that’s my goal!


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